Thursday, March 18, 2010

familia española

The Spanish family has experienced radical transformations throughout this century as consequence of the demographic changes, but also due to the mutations in socioeconomic and labour of the society and in his(her,your) system of values. The fundamental change, as in the majority of the European nations, is the transition from a familiar(family) extensive, representative unit of the rural agrarian societies, to a nuclear model formed(trained) by a married pair(couple) and the children, more in agreement with the type of industrial urban society

The family was founded, and still(yet) it(he,she) is founded in most cases, on the institution of the marriage(couple), which still(yet) today is realized in agreement by the catholic rites, though in the last years there has been increased the number of exclusively civil ceremonies. The total quantity of marriages(couples) has changed little in what we go of century and generally it(he,she) fluctuates between(among) 7 and 8,5 a year for every 1.000 inhabitants.
The hierarchy in the family was dominated by the figure of the father as supreme authority and head of household(head of the family), though the reality, especially in the agricultural zones it(he,she) demonstrates a distribution of areas of power, since if the man was giving the orders of doors towards out and in the tasks of the field, the woman was doing it in the house, in the domestic tasks and in the social relations.

The familiar(family) links have been always very strong, remaining enclosed with the formation(training) of new families on the part of the children, since the kindred in general (uncles, cousins - brothers and political family) was constituting a social deeply rooted mattress that was resting(relying) mutually.

The more known throughout the world between(among) the traditions folclóricas Spanish they are certainly the Fleming and the Bulls. The Bullfights will be actually(indeed) all over the country, being internationally the most popular and acquaintances En Algeciras (Cadiz), it(he,she) exists a tradition that I believe(create) is not given in another site(place). In the days before Kings the children assemble(bring together) empty tins and prepare with them "dragging", which in the morning of January 5 (day of the dragging tin) they will drag for the whole downtown arming(assembling) great escandalera, to call the attention of his(her,your) majesties the Kings of East and that do not forget to visit us in the night. I do not know with certainty to when it(he,she) can date back this tradition, it is something noisy to walk along the city but the children it happen(pass) from scandal.


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